Vision Mision
”Become a competitive Study Program in the field of Competitive Food Engineering in ASEAN in 2035"
In order to realize the vision, the mission of the study program is composed as follows:
- Conducting qualified teaching proses to produce applied graduates having ability to compete in the field of food engeenering technology.
- Conducting applied research in the field of food engineering technology to support learning process and to accelerate the development of food industry.
- Conducting comunity service activity in the field of Food Engeneering Technolgy.
- Organizing cooperation between government and business/ industry institutions.
- Producing applied graduates having ability to compete in the field of food engeenering technology
- Producing competitive applied research in the field of food engeenering technology.
- Become center of development and dissemination of food engineering technology for the community.
- The creation of a conductive and dynamic partnership with the Government and DUDI