The Study Program of Food Technology is part of the Deparment of Food and Horticultural Crops of the State Agricultural Polytechnic Kupang. Food and Technology Study Program obtained its permission from Director General of Higher Education No: 3156/D/T/2005. The formal education started in Academic Year 2006/2007 and has been accredited by National Accreditation Body for Higher Education (BAN-PT) based on Decree No: 012/ BAN-PT / AK-XI / Dpl-III / VIII / 2011, with C accreditation.
Food Technology Study Program was opened in order to fullfill the scarcity of associate expert in the field of agricultural products processing. Food Technology Study Program creates graduates that have capability of synergizing among natural and human resources, technology and capital so that food products can be produced (terrestrial and marine products, plant based and animals) to fullfill quantitatively and qualitatively the needs of society which bring economic and ecological profits. The feature of this Study Progam is its accuracy in the use of technology for processed products either from terrestrial and marine or plants based and animals.
Vision dan Mision
"To Become a qualified Study Program to process food products from Semi Arid Land and produced a competitive and skilled graduates while having enterprenurial spirit."
- Conducting vocational education in the field of food technology in order to support the development of processing industry of agricultural products based on semi arid land having competitiveness and entrepreneurial spirit.
- Conducting applied research for the development of processing industry of agricultural products based on semi arid land to fullfill the needs of society.
- To build and to develop the units of agricultural products processings as a media for learning to students and society.
- To build the networt of partnership between goverment and business institution in the processing techonolgy to enhance the quality of organization and the prosperity of society.
- To produce graduates that have a better knowledge of Science and Technology, competitivene and also have entrepreneurial spirit in the field of technology of agricultural processing industry based on semi arid land.
- To produce applied in order to fullfill the needs of society and for the development of agricultural processing industry based on semi arid land.
- To produce skilled and independent graduates that can be agent of change for the formation agricultural processing industry based on semi arid land.
- To build network of partnership between government and business insititution in processing techonology to increase the quality of organization and society.
Employment & Prospects
In accordance with the goal of the Study Program, The Graduates of Food Techonology Study Program have the opportunity in Trade and Industry, Food Processing, Service, Entrepreneur in Food Processing, Food and Drug Association, Research and Development Insititutions.
Teaching Staff
Teaching Staff
Learning and Teaching Activity is supported by formal qualified teaching staff (Masters and Doctors) and strengthened with non formal education (Internship and training) so that they have competency in food technology. Practicum activityis guided by technician that has experiences from internships and training in processing industry from business institution.
1 | Ir. Kartiwan, MP | 19600408 198903 1 003 | Post Harvest Technology | Active |
2 | Senny J. Bunga, ST,M.Sc | 19750630 200212 2 002 | Chemical Engineering | in PhD studying |
3 | Naema Bora, STP,M.Sc | 19690616 200312 2 001 | Agriculture (Agricultural Processing Technology) | Active |
4 | Zulianatul Hidayah, STP,M.Sc | 19780703 200312 2 001 | Food Science and Technology | Active |
5 | Jhon Tibo Kana Tiri, STP,M.Sc | 19750519 200312 1 002 | Agricultural Technology | Active |
6 | Agrippina Agnes Bele, STP,M | 19800626 200312 2 001 | Post Harverst Technology And Logisties | Active |
7 | Marthen Y. Saubaki, STP,M.Sc | 19790321 200501 1 001 | Agricultural Product Technology | Active |
8 | Eny Idayati, STP,M.Sc | 19811214 200501 2 001 | Food Product Technology | Active |
9 | Rikka W. Sir, S.Si.,M.Sc | 19771015 200501 2 001 | Biology | Active |
10 | Heny M. Sine, STP., M.Si | 19721019 200812 2 001 | Semi Arid Agriculture | Active |
11 | Ludi S. Gasong, S.Pd., M.Si | 19701016 199203 2 001 | Food Science | in PhD studying |
12 | Naharuddin Sri, S.Pi., M.Si | 19781102 200812 1 001 | Agribusiness | Active |
13 | Yusuf Kamlasi S.Pi., M.Si | 19790626 200812 1 003 | Coastal Resource Management & Ocean | Active |
14 | Dr.Julianus Dising, ST., M.Si | 19740721 200912 1 003 | Chemistry | Active |